Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lordosis and Kyphosis

Scoliosis can lead to Lordosis and Kyphosis. Here are some information about Lordosis and Kyphosis. 

Lordosis: an inward curvature on the lower part of the back. Lordosis of the lower back may be treated by strengthening the hip extensors on the back of the thighs, and by stretching the hip flexors on the front of the thighs.

Kyphosis: is the opposite of Lordosis, an outward curvature on the upper part of the back. May be treated by brace, physical therapy, or surgery.

Both could actually be treated by brace, physical therapy, or surgery. But for surgery it's a risk. If you feel/think you have scoliosis, lordosis, or kyphosis go see the doctor ASAP before it gets worse.

  • Information: Wikipedia
  • Image: Google image

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Skoliosis Indonesia

Bagi para skolioser di Indonesia seperti saya, coba lihat organisasi "Masyarakat Skoliosis Indonesia" yang berpusat di RSCM Jakarta:
Bisa juga pemeriksaan skoliosis di RS Fatmawati.

Mungkin bisa berguna. Dan untuk siapapun yang terkena skoliosis, jangan pernah putus asa :)

Scoliosis - NOT TO DO

A diagnosis of scoliosis, a side-to-side curvature of the spine, does not usually come with a "things not to do" list. There are, however, some activities you may want to avoid doing and some activities that could cause the symptoms or even the curve itself to worsen.

  1. Everyone is Different: The severity and rotation of the spinal curve will have the greatest effect on each patient's ability to participate in any given activity. Other variables include the patient's pain tolerance, determination and a certain amount of pure luck.
  2. Physical Activities: Exercising the core muscles is always a good thing. Organized physical sports, on the other hand, can be painful and cause breathing difficulties in a scoliosis patient.
  3. Difficulty Breathing: Any activity requiring good lung capacity will be increasingly difficult as the curve progresses, because the spine rotates and distorts the rib cage. One lung may become compromised as the rib cage compresses it.
  4. Contact Sports: Because the scoliosis patient's body is not symmetrical, contact sports can result in pain and even injuries from seemingly ordinary contact. The greater the curve, the more likely it is that contact will be made at an odd angle.
  5. Exhaustion: A person with scoliosis performs an unconscious balancing act just to walk or bend over. Patients with severe curves are likely to tire easily because it takes a lot of work just to get through the day.
  6. Life Phases: Some life phases and other conditions may allow a curve to increase, especially in women. Pregnancy or even ordinary weight gain can worsen a curve due to the extra weight being supported by the spine. Likewise, osteoporosis can cause the curve to increase as the spine becomes weaker.


Scoliosis Brace

Boston Brace

Spinecor Brace

These are just some examples of Scoliosis brace. You must wear a Brace for 23 hours a day, take off only when shower.
  1. The one on the left is a Boston Brace. It's really uncomfortable. It's hard to breath and move in it. This type of brace weaken you spine muscles, and it just makes it worse. This brace don't make your spine better but it only prevents making it worse.
  2. The one on the right is a Spinecor Brace. It's a flexible scoliosis brace. You can still do your normal activities in it, and it's hardly noticeable when you use your clothes over it. With a Boston Brace you could hardly do anything, but with this Spinecor Brace you have nothing to worry about. You could still exercise with them on.
I think the brace are the one holding your back, not yourself, and that makes the muscles do nothing and get weaker. Exercise is the best medicine for scoliosis. Especially callanetics.   

I personally don't recommend you to wear any brace before you consult several doctors. Try consult 2 or 3 doctors for some options.   

Well that's just some info about scoliosis brace, hope it was useful.


I recommend to whoever out there that have scoliosis like me, do this Callanetics exercise every week. If your can, three times a week is much better. It's sort of like yoga, but this stretch out even more. It's a very relaxing exercise and very good for the spine. Not only for scoliosis but for everyone.

Try this:

"Callanetics For Your Back" by Callan Pinckney